宝瓶座时代的 The Literary and Visual Arts Magazine

The JU 宝瓶座时代的 Welcomes You

Welcome to Jacksonville University's Literary and Visual Arts Magazine! The 宝瓶座时代的 team is glad you are here. This magazine is student-run and exists to showcase the extraordinary work of the students at JU, no matter what major you are. We accept poetry, prose, 2D art, 3D art, photography, and audio/video works.



Interested in submitting? You can submit up to 10 submissions split among any of the categories. We use a submission manager called Submittable so to submit, you will need to create a Submittable account using your school email. On Submittable, you can find more information and guidelines for submissions. We accept the majority of our submissions during the Fall semester. Thank you for helping us create this year’s wonderful magazine!

Submit your work


Featured Submissions

Every year, we get so many amazing submissions, but here are some of our favorites.

  • Creation of "Man"

    Creation of "Man"

  • Portrait of Fran Kinne

    Portrait of Fran Kinne

  • Aphrodite's Tears

    Aphrodite's Tears

  • Floating in the Deep

    Floating in the Deep

  • Ripple Effect

    Ripple Effect

  • Gift from Nature

    Gift from Nature

  • Flamboyant


  • Persephone's Convalesence

    Persephone's Convalesence

  • 梦想


  • Rose Cake Stand

    Rose Cake Stand

  • Stirling Range National Park

    Stirling Range National Park

  • Modern Day, Ancient 历史

    Modern Day, Ancient 历史

  • 紧张的


  • 须佐之男


  • 生动的



A black and white logo that contains the letter A made of a quill, paintbrush, and pen tip


Head 工作人员

Abigail Neff, Editor in Chief

Summer Lewis, Assistant Editor

Violet King, Lead Designer 







Interested in joining the staff? We meet every Thursday from 12:30 to 1:30 in Council 136. Even if you can only come for a short time, please visit and hang out. 全球网络赌博平台爱 to see new faces and enjoy whatever creative input you are able to provide. 都是 welcome, no matter what major you are!

Our 历史

For over 50 years, the 宝瓶座时代的 Literary and Visual Arts Magazine has been a cornerstone of Jacksonville University’s art community, giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in creative works. We pride ourselves on being a part of JU’s rich history. We would not be here without decades of dedicated students coming together to build the magazine and brave artists and writers willing to submit their work. 下面是 a catalog of the 宝瓶座时代的 through the years.

The cover. In white text over a digitally drawn image, the word 宝瓶座时代的 is rounded. Behind that, there is a brown tree with the letters J + U in a heart are carved. In front of the tree and below the title, are to hands clapsed together. Behind the tree is a colorful sunset with green grass.The 2020 Cover. It is monochrome green with a sundial taking up the bottom half of the cover. The top has the title 宝瓶座时代的, Literary and Visual Arts Review

The 2019 cover. It is solid green with shiny gold details. The Title is: 宝瓶座时代的 Review. The subtitle is Literature and Visual Arts. In the center is a gold icon that is a water pitcher, with flowing water around it 2018 cover. Depicts a New York Broadway style red brick building with a lit up sign that says "The 宝瓶座时代的"