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Dr. 格雷琴Bielmyer-Fraser

Dr. 格雷琴Bielmyer-Fraser

Professor of Chemistry; Director of Millar Wilson Laboratory



电子邮件地址  gbielmy@bobbyingano.com
电话号码  (904) 256-7328
办公室的位置  斯威舍1 b


  • Ph.D.克莱姆森大学(2003)
  • M.S.克莱姆森大学(2000)
  • B.Sc.北佛罗里达大学(1997)




My primary research interests are in the field of 环境毒理学 with a 关注水生系统. Specifically, my research examines how organisms respond to contaminant (particularly metals) exposure, and analyzes the complex interactions between metals and other chemical components in aquatic systems. 毒性机制 and effects may differ depending on contaminant exposure route, exposure duration, water chemistry and physiology and sensitivity of the organism. 描述如何 these variables interact to influence toxicity at the organism (survival, growth, reproduction), physiological (ion transport, acid-base balance), and biochemical (enzyme activity) levels are central components of my current and future planned research.




(*本科 co-author; **Graduate student co-author)

  • 西迪基,年代.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2019. 溶解的积累和影响 and nanoparticle silver and copper in two marine seaweed species. 乔治亚州日报》 科学通报(2),1. http://digitalcommons.gaacademy.org/gjs/vol77/iss2/1
  • Bielmyer-Fraser G.K., B. 哈珀* C. Picariello *,. Albritton-Ford *. 2018. 的影响 of salinity and water chemistry on acute toxicity of cadmium to two euryhaline fish species. 比较 Biochemistry and Physiology C 214, 23-27. DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2018.08.005
  • Bielmyer-Fraser G.K., P. 帕特尔*,米. Grosell. 2018. Sublethal effects of seawater acidification 以及两种珊瑚的铜暴露. 海洋污染通报133,781-790.
  • Kirkley J.A.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser J. Elder, D. Bechler. 2018. 的Alapahoochee Watershed microgeographic structure and its potential influence on metal concentrations and genetic structure in the cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti, within the 分水岭. 环境监察及评估 190, 220. DOI:10.1007/s10661-018-6579-5
  • Miller R.J., E.B. Muller, B. Cole, T. Martin, R. Nisbet, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser T. A. 贾维斯* *,. A. Keller, G. Cherr, H.S. Lenihan. 2017. 光合作用效率 predicts toxic effects of metal nanomaterials in phytoplankton. 水生毒理学 185, 83-93.
  • Bielmyer-Fraser G.K., M.N. 水域,C.G. 达克沃斯* P. 帕特尔* B. 韦伯斯特*,. 拦截器*, C.H.Crummey *,. 邓肯*,年代. Nwokike * C. Picariello *, J.T. Ragan * E.L. 舒马赫*, R. 塔克* E.塔特尔* C. Wiggins*. 2017. 金属污染的评估 biota of four rivers experiencing varying degrees of human Impact. 环境监测 和评估189,23. DOI:10.1007/s10661-016-5738-9.
  • 达克沃斯* C.G., C.R. Picariello * R.K. K。托马森*,.S. Patel*, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2017. 海葵的反应 pallida, to ocean acidification conditions 以及锌或镍的暴露. 水生毒理学杂志,18 (2):120-128.
  • 。托马森,R.K.*, W.J. Loughry J.M. 洛克哈特G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2016. 金属积累 in bobcats in the Southeastern United States. 环境监察及评估 188, 565-574. DOI:10.1007/s10661-016-5587-6.
  • 洛克哈特J.M., S. 西迪基* *,W.J. Loughry G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2016. 金属积累 在野外捕获的负鼠. 环境监察及评估 188(6), 1-10. DOI:10.1007/s10661-016-5327-y
  • 引导,.*, A. Amerson * G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2016. 水硬度的影响 on accumulation and effects of silver in the green alga, Raphidocelis subcapitata. 乔治亚州日报》 of Science 74(2), Article 5. 可在:http://digitalcommons.gaacademy.org/gjs/vol74/iss2/5.
  • 西迪基,年代.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. 海葵的反应 pallida, to ocean acidification conditions and copper exposure. 水生毒理学 167, 228-239. DOI:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.08.0012
  • 贾维斯,T.A.**, T. Capo, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. 饮食中金属的暴露 加州阿普里西亚的海兔. 比较 Biochemistry and Physiology Part C DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2015.06.009
  • 贾维斯,T.A.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. 金属在…中的积聚及影响 两种海藻. 比较 Biochemistry and Physiology Part C. 171, 28-33.DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2015.03.005
  • 西迪基,年代.**, R.H. 戈达德,G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. 溶解剂的比较效果 copper and copper oxide nanoparticle exposure to the sea anemone, Exaiptasia pallida. 水生毒物学160,205-213. DOI:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.01.007
  • Patel, P.*, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. 盐度的影响 and copper exposure on copper accumulation and physiological impairment in the sea anemone, Exaiptasia pallida. 比较 Biochemistry and Physiology C. 168, 39-47. DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2014.11.004
  • Bielmyer-Fraser G.K., T.A. 贾维斯* *,H.S. Lenihan R.J. Miller. 2014. 细胞分区 of nanoparticulate versus dissolved metals in marine phytoplankton. 环境 科学技术. 48(22), 13443-50. DOI:10.1021 / es501187g
  • Brock, J.*, G.K. Bielmyer. 2013. 金属积累 and sublethal responses in the sea anemone, Aiptasia pallida after waterborne exposure to metal mixtures. 比较 Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 158, 150-158.
  • 贾维斯,T.A.**, J.M. 洛克哈特W.J. Loughry G.K. Bielmyer. 2013. 金属积累 野生九带犰狳. 生态毒理学杂志22(6),1053-1062.
  • 贾维斯,T.A.**, R.C. Miller, H. Lenihan G.K. Bielmyer. 2013. ZnO纳米颗粒的毒性 to the copepod, Acartia tonsa, exposed via a phytoplankton diet. 环境毒理学 化学学报,32(6),1264-1269.
  • Bielmyer G.K., C. 成立* C. 莫里斯* T. Carrigan *. 2013. 盐度的影响 on acute nickel toxicity to the two euryhaline fish species, Fundulus heteroclitus 和马氏龟. 环境毒理学 and Chemistry 32(6), 1354-1359.
  • Shyn, A.*, S.J. Chalk, K. Smith, N. Charnock * G.K. Bielmyer. 2012. 锌分布 in the organs of adult Fundulus heteroclitus after waterborne zinc exposure in freshwater 和盐水. 环境污染档案 and Toxicology 63, 544–553.
  • Bielmyer G.K., J.B. Bullington * C.A. 成立* N.L. Charnock *. S.J. Chalk, K. Smith. 2012. The effects of salinity on acute toxicity of zinc to two euryhaline species of fish, Fundulus heteroclitus 和马氏龟. 综合比较 生物学52(6),753-760. DOI: 10.1093 /学院/ ics045.
  • Bielmyer G.K., T. 贾维斯* B.T. 哈珀* B. 巴特勒* L. Rice*, S. Ryan. 2012. Metal accumulation from dietary exposure in the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. 环境污染档案 and Toxicology 63, 86–94.
  • Bielmyer G.K., W.R. 阿诺德·J.J. Isely, S.J. Klaine, J. Tomasso. 2012. 的影响 roof and rainwater characteristics on copper concentrations in roof runoff. 环境 监测与评估184,2797-2804.
  • Bland, M.J.**, G.K. Bielmyer B.C. Ring. 2010. Toxic effects of Hygromycin B on Kryptolebias Marmoratus早期发育. 自然科学学报,32 (3),140-148.
  • Bielmyer G.K., M. Grosell R. Bhagooli,.C. Baker, C. 兰登,P. 吉列,T. Capo. 2010. Differential effects of copper on three species of scleractinian corals and 它们的共生藻类(共生菌属.). 水生毒理学97,125-133.
  • Main, W.P.L.*, C. Ross, G.K. Bielmyer. 2010. 铜积累与氧化应激 in the sea anemone, Aiptasia pallida, after waterborne copper exposure. 比较 Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 151, 216-221.
  • Bielmyer G.K., K.V. Brix, M. Grosell. 2008. Is Cl- protection against silver toxicity 由于物种形成? 水生毒物学,87,81-87.
  • Bielmyer G.K., M. Grosell P.R. 帕奎因,R. 马修斯,K.B. Wu, R.C. Santore K.V. Brix. 2007.Validation study of the acute biotic ligand model for silver. 环境毒理学 化学学报,26(10),2241-2246.
  • Bielmyer G.K., J. 托马斯·S.J. Klaine. 2006. Physiological responses of hybrid striped bass to aqueous copper in freshwater 和盐水. 环境污染档案 毒物学50,531-538.
  • Bielmyer G.K., M. Grosell K.V. Brix. 2006. 银、锌、铜的毒性 nickel to the copepod, Acartia tonsa, exposed via a phytoplankton diet. 环境 科学技术40,2063-2068.
  • Bielmyer G.K., K.V. Brix, T.R. Capo, M. Grosell. 2005. 金属对胚胎-幼虫的影响 and adult life stages of the sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. 水生毒理学74(3); 254-263.
  • Bielmyer G.K., J. 托马斯·D. 卡特林J. Isely, S.J. Klaine. 2005. 杂化反应 striped bass to waterborne and dietary copper in freshwater 和盐水. 比较 Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 140, 131-137.
  • Bielmyer G.K., R. 阿诺德·J. 托马斯·S.J. Klaine. 2004. 盐源的影响 关于合成盐水的质量. 化学环境57,1707-1711.
  • Bielmyer G.K., R.A. Bell, S.J. Klaine. 2002. 配体结合银对 Ceriodaphnia dubia. 环境毒理学 and Chemistry 21(10), 2204-2208. 


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