UpSkill研究所 Digital Business Transformation Certificate

研究生 students sitting in classroom listening to instruction

杰克逊维尔大学 & 沿海云为什么选择全球网络赌博平台的项目?

杰克逊维尔大学 UpSkill研究所 and 沿海云, a consulting firm and only platinum Salesforce Consulting Partner in Florida, are partnering for a 15-week Digital Business Transformation Certification 程序. Designed in close collaboration with industry professionals, participants in the certificate 程序 will engage in applied projects, learn the Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, and consider how to enhance their own interpersonal skills to be effective technology change agents. 

By partnering with 沿海云, the Digital Business Transformation Certification 程序 will bring real data into the cases found throughout the 程序. 参与者 will have multiple projects where they can experience and learn how to use technological tools, such as Salesforce, to analyze data and make practical business decisions. 

This continuing education opportunity allows for current students to earn college credit or non-students to earn a certification through UpSkill.

"沿海云 a Salesforce partner"


This course is currently not accepting applications. 浏览更多课程 by 杰克逊维尔大学's UpSkill研究所, please visit our wesbite.


研究生 student studying at computer


的 Digital Business Transformation Certification 程序 will consist of four courses:

  • 领导组织变革
  • 应用业务 & 经济分析
  • 商业分析导论
  • Salesforce

Salesforce is the world's #1 customer relationship management (CRM) platform with applications focused on sales, customer service, marketing automation, analytics, 以及应用程序开发. Participants of the Digital Business Transformation Certification 程序 will learn the functions that business users are asked to perform, including customer engagement, collaboration, operations, and data reporting. By the end of the 程序, students will be prepared to be business users in Salesforce.

Growing Opportunities in Cloud-Related Technologies

As companies make the shift into remote work and build out digital HQs, they are looking to cloud-based technologies to support this great change in structure. 国际 Data Corporation (IDC) reported that cloud-related technologies accounted for 27% of digital transformation IT spending in 2021 with a 10% increase within the next 四年. Digital technologies, such as Salesforce, are playing an instrumental part in helping organizations make the shift from paper to spreadsheets to smart applications.

9.300万年Jobs created worldwide by 2026 from the growth of Salesforce and its ecosystem of 合作伙伴
37%Growth in digital technologies by 2026 per the 国际 Data Corporation (IDC)
$1.3万亿年New business revenues created worldwide through Salesforce and its partner ecosystems
萨拉·黑尔, 沿海云 Co-Founder and Managing Partner

​​“We are so excited to expand 沿海云’s presence in Jacksonville, bringing high paying jobs to the Northeast Florida area. This new certificate 程序 allows us to continue to grow our 合作伙伴hip with 杰克逊维尔大学, connecting students to jobs in technology and helping to build a cloud-based career pipeline for graduates.”

萨拉·黑尔沿海云 Co-Founder and Managing Partner

改善业务. 改善生活.JU |海岸云

杰克逊维尔大学 and the UpSkill研究所 at JU are proud to partner with 沿海云 for the Digital Business Transformation Program. 沿海云 is a Salesforce Multi-Cloud Expert Partner that provides consulting, implementation, and managed services to businesses, nonprofits, and the public sector. Founded in 2012, the company offers insight and expertise to a wide variety of industries, including communications and media, healthcare, high-tech, manufacturing, private 公平等等. 沿海云 has earned a 5/5 customer satisfaction rating on the Salesforce AppExchange and is the #1 rated consulting partner on 为 more information about 沿海云, 访问他们的网站.

沿海云 team posing with graphic overlay of awards

继续教育 Opportunities

Our schedule of continuing education opportunities at 杰克逊维尔大学 is being 更新. If you have any questions about any upcoming opportunities, 请与全球网络赌博平台联系

联系信息 UpSkill研究所


