


If the professor in your class asks to speak to you about a suspected violation, they may suspect that you took part in an activity that violates the JU policy. 例如, the issue could be cheating on a test or quiz, accepting unauthorized assistance from another student or outside entity, failing to appropriately cite your sources on a paper or essay, or allowing another student to use your answers or information on 他们的作业.

The conversation with the faculty allows them to determine if there was a violation. 这通常是整个过程的第一步.

You should listen and take responsibility if you did indeed violate the policy. If you did not violate the policy, you should attempt to explain what you did that may 被教授误解了吗. 上诉是可能的,如果教授 提交学术不端行为通知表格.

If you have not been approached by the professor regarding the issue, you should contact 他们想知道为什么要提交表格. 如果你知道这个问题,你应该 receive an email from the Director of 学术诚信 with further instructions.

Students have the right to challenge the accusation of academic misconduct. 这是 one of the choices you will be given in your communication with the Director of Academic 完整性.


  • Gather any evidence you have that supports that you did not engage in academic misconduct. This might include verification of the details of the assignment, paperwork that shows 你是你提交的作品的原作者.
  • Be prepared to attend the hearing or submit your statement and evidence to the Director of 学术诚信 so that it can be presented to the hearing panel.

When a student loses a challenge the original course and university-水平 penalties 将. If this is a warning-水平 offense the student will be required to attend 培训. Course penalties may be appealed through the grade appeal process (see catalog).

You should bring this to the attention of your professor/instructor as soon as possible 所以它可以被调查. 如果教授决定提交学术不端行为 notification form, you may be asked to provide a statement as evidence of the offense.

There are numerous opportunities to complete the 培训 including some on-line options. However, if there is an extenuating circumstance you should contact the Director of 学术诚信和解释问题. 禁令可能会暂时解除,但是 will be put back in place to ensure that the 培训 is completed in a reasonable 时间量.

学术不端事件不会显示在你的成绩单上. 课程成绩 may be lower based on the course-水平 penalty, but there is no indication of what 造成了低分.

如果是课程级别的处罚 is an F for the course you will not be able to retake the course with grade forgiveness, or drop/withdraw from the course once the penalty 建立了. Retaking the course is possible, but the new grade will average with 你的平均成绩是F.

NOTE: If the penalty is an F on an assignment that results in failure of the course, 你可以重修这门课,成绩可以原谅.

You may appeal the course-水平 penalty through the grade appeal process (see catalog)

The registration hold will also prevent you from receiving transcripts that are needed 为转移. This means that you will need to complete the 培训 to get the hold 在你把成绩单寄到新学校之前就取消了.

你还是可以换专业的. 学术诚信政策适用于所有学生 在JU的所有项目中. 即使你换了专业,你也需要完成学业 完整的培训.

违反学术诚信将会冻结你的账户. 这意味着尽管 you may graduate, you will not be able to get a copy of your transcript of your final 毕业证书,直到你完成所需的培训. 如果是课程级别的处罚 results in failure of a class required for your major, you will need to retake the 为了毕业而修的课程.

A first offense typically results a course-水平 penalty, and a warning at the university 水平. Course 水平 penalties are under the control of your professor and they will 在他们与你的谈话中明确惩罚. 警告包括完成 of 培训 to assist you in avoiding making the same mistake again.

A second offense may be accompanied by a Citation at the university 水平, and always 把这个学生列入观察名单. 这意味着可能会导致第三次违规 休学一学期. 有第二次承诺的学生 进攻均需完成额外训练.

第三次违规通常会导致停学一学期. 你的院长可以减少 这种惩罚,但在实践中很少见.

警告是为了引起你的注意. 它带有这个要求 to complete 培训 in both writing to avoid plagiarism and reflection on the academic 完整性价值.

A citation means that the next infraction may result in suspension from the university 一个学期. 有第二次承诺的学生 offense are required to complete additional 培训 to help them avoid the mistakes in the future.

Suspension means that you are not permitted to attend the university for one term/semester. You may return at the end of the suspension period and resume taking courses towards 你的学位.

Expulsion means that you are permanently removed from all classes at JU. 这是一个 非常严厉的惩罚.

The infraction will be reported to the 体育运动 Department, as required by NCAA. The email is sent to the appropriate 体育运动 personnel, and 教师 体育运动 Representative.

国际 students are subject to the same policies and procedures as all JU students. Warnings and citations result in course-水平 penalties as decided by the professor, 以及大学水平的培训,以防止再犯. 如果是国际的 student commits a third offense, they may be suspended and would not be able to return 去上一学期的课. 暂停可能会使他们的学生签证处于危险之中. 国际 students who are in their final semester and receive a third offense may be denied 选择.