

梅勒妮Blandino梅兰妮·布兰迪诺出生并成长在佛罗里达州的杰克逊维尔. 她加入了美国。.S. 这让她有特权在夏威夷生活了10年. 在那个时候 她得了A.S. B .幼儿教育.S. 查米纳德大学心理学专业 火奴鲁鲁大学. 后来,她在K1速度获得了较低水平的职位 她晋升到G级.M. 一年半后. 她获得了对生意的渴望 是什么让她现在就读于杰克逊维尔大学的EMBA课程. 通过 her life experiences she developed skills to assess and problem solve through anything 那是她的方式. 目前在一家家居用品店做零售店员 way up the ranks again, it is only a matter of time she will reach her short term 获得运营管理的目标. 此后,等待的机会是 没完没了的! 



Matthew is the Senior Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Account manager for Kidde 技术在公共汽车市场的灭火领域处于领先地位. His responsibilities include product integration, installation support, bid analysis, 以及保修问题的解决. 他在运输业工作了22年 工业,在公共和私营部门工作过. 他的经验涵盖了管理, 为供应商和OEM提供维护和现场支持.

马修在佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔长大,2000年毕业,获得学士学位 in Business Administration and a minor concentration in Spanish from the University 佛罗里达. 他目前与妻子和两个女儿住在杰克逊维尔海滩.  在业余时间,他喜欢和家人划船和骑摩托车.


理查德·艾德A senior in Business Management and an Executive MBA student from Visalia California, 理查德·艾德 moved to Jacksonville after serving 24 years in the United States 海军. Rick has a technical background in mainframe computer and display systems, satellite 通信和各种自动化武器系统. 他也有多年的技术经验, program, and project 管理 experience, but he really enjoys teaching and helping 别人的成功. 他被正式培训为一名指导员,获得了培训大师的资格 Specialist, and has taught hundreds of people in the classroom and on the job in a variety of topics ranging from electronic equipment repair to team shipboard combat 操作.  



罗伯特Foery 罗伯特Foery是一家软件产品公司的技术销售主管.  在他的 role, he is responsible for sales and service for US Government agencies and contractors.    Bob is from West Chester, PA, and attended the University of Virginia where he earned 电气工程学士学位.  他被委任通过后备军官训练队 是一名退休的美国空军军官.  鲍勃为几家国防承包商工作过 and software companies as a developer, development manager, sales and sales manager 在他30多年的职业生涯中. 

Originally from Pennsylvania, he and his wife Paige reside in Amelia Island, 佛罗里达.  他们是5个成年子女的骄傲父母.  鲍勃活跃于几个非营利组织 董事会和喜欢志愿服务,旅游,高尔夫,现场音乐,和烹饪.   


艾米丽·格兰瑟姆艾米丽·格兰瑟姆 is a native of Jacksonville, 佛罗里达 and has an undergrad in Management.  她是Crowley Government Solutions的技术总监.  在她的角色中,她 监督业务分析师和技术产品负责人的团队.  她经营着几家 projects at a time with a focus on supporting the supply chain needs of government 实体.  Emily在物流行业有20多年的工作经验 其中10年都在做技术项目.  她的项目经验范围从 supporting full scale system implementations to identifying and implementing process 改进. 

Emily has been appointed to several committees to represent the technology team within 以及在外部组织中代表她的公司.  什么时候不 at work or school, Emily enjoying traveling to visit family and enjoying theme parks 和她的丈夫和孩子在一起.  不旅行的时候,他们最喜欢做的事情就是花钱 和宠物呆在家里的时间.   



特蕾西·帕森斯 is a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of The Royce Group, a government 提供专业服务和培训的承包公司. 他是一个注重解决问题的人 leader with more than 3 decades of experience leading diverse integrated project teams, 管理复杂的项目,从公司培训到整个生命周期 development of training technology systems, curriculum optimization, and human performance 分析与评价.  
He is a lifelong learner and educator, he earned Program Management II, and Lean Six 西格玛绿带,同时服务于美国.S. 海军. 他继续他的专业发展 post-retirement; he qualified as Project Management Professional and Certified Scrum 主. 在他的海军生涯中,他指导了数百名初级飞行员并担任教练 孩子们踢了11年足球. 

他在查尔斯顿学院获得了工商管理学士学位, 空军大学军事行动艺术与科学硕士. 

While completing his Executive 主 of Business Administration is the culmination of his formal educational journey, his learning days will continue with self guided 成长与发展.
Tracy would like to continue serving the community on local or national boards for 商业和社区实体. 












普拉蒙德·“鲍比”·希夫达萨尼 普拉蒙德“鲍比”是一个有超过15年会计经验的专业人士 & 金融 有在非营利组织工作的经验. Pramod是LSF的控制器 健康 Systems, a leading behavioral health managing entity contracted by the State 佛罗里达’s Department of Children and 家庭 responsible to manage state funded 佛罗里达州东北部23个县的行为健康项目. 他是负责任的 适用于会计、采购和拨款团队. 普拉蒙德目前负责日常运营 for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, general ledger reconciliations and cash 管理. Pramod还负责编制LSF卫生系统 每月的财务报表和超过1.5亿美元的年度预算. 在他自由的时候 在业余时间,普拉蒙喜欢阅读、解谜、下棋和和家人一起旅行.  


 米歇尔•巴尔加斯 米歇尔·巴尔加斯是受伤战士项目(WWP)的直接反应主任。. She is responsible for developing strategy and leading her teams through the implementation and performance tracking of all Direct Response fundraising campaigns including Direct 邮件,每月给予,直接回应电视,和数字筹款. 她有 a demonstrated ability to integrate and implement cross-channel strategies that result 占WWP总收入的65%. 

Michelle began her career with WWP in 2008, assisting the Executive Office and Board 董事的. 2015年,她被提升为直接响应主任. 她证明了 commitment to WWP’s mission, track record for solving problems, and leadership experience 让她很适合这个新角色. 

Prior to joining WWP, Michelle has eight years of experience in the charter transportation industry where she was responsible for managing teams, office administration, selling group transportation services, and ensuring top shelf customer service was delivered 给客户的. 


特拉维斯·威廉姆斯特拉维斯·威廉姆斯 is a proud native of Jacksonville, FL, where he resides with his wife 还有他们的孩子. 他也是纽约大学的光荣校友. 佛罗里达. 与 a track record of success for delivering results; Travis brings with him years of 有建立关系,表达价值,达成交易的经验 以及执行的技巧. 从零开始建立金融服务业务 up to consulting with a global nonprofit on building their local brand; Travis has seen his desire to serve first, translate into the ability to lead individuals, and 组织,朝着他们的目标前进. 

 Travis is a true community servant of Jacksonville through local board work and volunteering, primarily in areas focused on economic development, urban revitalization, and services 惠及弱势群体. 他对卓越和服务领导的承诺 presents him with many opportunities to advise on many initiatives and projects throughout 这个城市. Travis目前担任Jax Chamber Lewis and White的联合主席 商业联盟顾问委员会. 他还担任当地非营利组织的董事会成员 和《全球网络赌博平台》. 他的服务范围也扩展到了全国, as he’s been called upon to help lead initiatives around Diversity and 包容 in 金融服务业. 

His service also extends within his local church, The Potter’s House 国际 佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的事工. 他担任过校园牧师的几个职位 大学部的领导努力吸引年轻人和男人. 他目前 他也是教会的董事会成员.  

Currently, Travis is Vice President of Operations and Impact for Lift Jax, an initiative of leading business, philanthropic and community leaders working to revitalize the 消除杰克逊维尔的代际贫困. 经过多年的建设 relationships across a multitude of industries, Travis is able to bring a set of skills to the table in order to help lead the organization in delivering on its audacious 旨在振兴杰克逊维尔历史悠久的东区社区.   

Travis can often be found enjoying time with his extensive extended family/friends 在杰克逊维尔,在杰克逊维尔美洲虎队的主场比赛中忠实地为他们加油 在当地教堂服务.